83 film is a Bollywood Sports-drama, directed by Kabir Khan. The film star features Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone, and Tahir Raj Bhasin as the lead characters. The movie repeats the Indian national cricket team that succeeded in the 1983 Cricket World Cup. The film furthermore stars Jiiva, Saqib Saleem, Jatin Sarna, Chirag Patil, Dinker Sharma, Nishant Dahiya, Harrdy Sandhu, Sahil Khattar, Ammy Virk, Addinath Kothare, Dhairya Karwa, R Badre. The movie has released on 24 Dec 2021 in theatres.
Movie Trailer:
The movie trailer has released on Nov 30, 2021, under the Reliance Entertainment music label. We weren’t even born at the time when India won the world cup but after watching the movie I can literally feel the feeling of every people who were watching that match live.
Great acting by each and everyone in the movie and a great cast while you can watch this movie it’s worth watching. The movie trailer got the ultimate response from the audience and the movie trailer got more than 72 million views within one month on the youtube channel.
Movie Story:
The movie story is like 83 is fictional documentation of India’s courageous win at the 1983 Cricket World Cup in England against West Indies. Captain Kapil Dev led a team from India, caught as underdogs, to bring home the nation’s first-ever World Cup title in the year 1983. Kabir Khan’s 83 encapsulates the journey of this team that conducted a nation to think and to pin its expectancies on its cricket players’ by producing home as a set of uniquely capable world champions. Ranveer Singh plays the Kapil Dev role in this movie.
83 Full Movie Leaked Online, Download in Tamilrockers
Film 83 has stood leaked online in full HD version on Tamilrockers, Telegram. Many more piracy sites in an HD version for free download. The film 83 is obtainable for free download on Tamilrockers, Filmyzilla, Mp4moviez, Filmywap, Moviesflix, and different Torrent websites. So watch and download the movie with the required website.
Movie Review:
The first few minutes into the movie, Kabir Khan operates an intelligently prepared passport sequence to introduce the audience to characters in the film. He also uses dialogue and light exchanges to let you in on a fact – Indians didn’t trust India to bring home the World Cup. That’s when you realize this film is not about winning on a world stage, it’s about gaining concern.
At every stage in the film, Kabir has real images with the rotation ones making one sit up and take note of the fact that he has heavily supported research and the entertainment of defining moments in Team India’s 1983 World Cup journey. You realize that the movie was not all drama or all sport – it made a clear attempt to amalgamate both. And to a large degree, it achieved in doing so. India’s love for cricket has a lot to do with the way the gang of 1983 went on to knock the wind out of the West Indies, an almost-unstoppable cricket group of the period, during the World Cup Finals that year.
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