Ashoka Vanam Lo Arjuna Kalyanam is an upcoming Telugu romantic drama movie. The story written by Ravi Kiran Kola and the director Viday Sagar Chinta. The lead roles are playing Vishwak Sen and Ruskhar. Jay Krish is composing the music for the movie. The cinematographer is Karthik Palani while the editor is Viplav Nyshadam. The movie producers are Bapineedu B and Sudheer Edara and the production house Sri Venkateswara Cine Chitra Digital banner. The movie scheduled to release on 22 April 2022. Here in this article, get the information about Ashoka Vanam Lo Arjuna Kalyanam movie news and updates.
Ashoka Vanamlo Arjuna Kalyanam movie about a moderately aged man who’s battling to track down a lady of the hour. Rukshar Dhillon plays the youthful Pasupuleti Madhavi, and she is the counterpart of Vishwak Sen in the film.
Ashoka Vanamlo Arjuna Kalyanam Movie Trailer
The movie team released all songs from Ashoka Vanam Lo Arjuna Kalyanam movie recently they launched Ramasilaka song, music composed by Jay Krish. The song was performed by Ravi Kiran Kola. Vijay Kumar Balla, and Ravi Kiran Kola are composing the lyrics for this song.
Movie Story
The Movie story rotates revolving around the wedding of the hero played by Vishwak Sen to the female lead played by Ruskhar Dhillon. How he faces obstacles in accomplishing and how his central goal is by all accounts the core of the film. While Vishwak Sen plays Arjun Kumar Allam, Ruskhar plays Pasupuleti Madhavi.
The core of the film is: Though the quest for a lady of the hour by Arjun Kumar Allam, the lead character played by Vishwak Sen in Ashoka Vanam Lo Arjuna Kalyanam, at last, arrives at its decision with Pasupuleti Madhavi (Rukshar Dhillon), things before the wedding are not unreasonably simple.
Ashoka Vanamlo Arjuna Kalyanam Movie Teaser
Rukshar Dhillon depicts the youthful Pasupuleti Madhavi to whom Vishwak pledged. The mystery recommends that Madhavi isn’t as amped up for the marriage as Arjun is. Arjun seems to develop from battling to observe a lady for union with understanding his significant other as the mystery advances.
#ashokavanamloarjunakalyanam in theatres on 22nd April 2022❤️
— Rukshar Dhillon (@RuksharDhillon) March 15, 2022
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