Bhoomi is an action drama movie, this is Jayam Ravi’s 25th film. The Bhoomi film was helmed by Lakshman while produced by Jayam Ravi’s mother-in-law Sujatha Vijayakumar under Home Media Makers banners. Bhoomi film stars Jayam Ravi and Nidhhi Agerwal in the main lead. D Imman composed the music to this movie. The movie story based on the value of agriculture and actor Jayam Ravi will be playing the character of a NASA researcher in the film.
The Moviemakers prepare to release the film directly on the ott platform. The streaming rights of the Bhoomi picture were acquired by Disney+ Hotstar. The film is scheduled to be launched on Pongal 2021.
The Bhoomi trailer was released on December 26, 2020. The trailer gets a great reaction from the audience. The trailer has actually reached 2.5 million-plus views within one week.
Bhoomi Movie News
Bhoomi film is the 3rd partnership between Jayam Ravi and directer Lakshman. The motion picture will be Jayam Ravi’s 25th film and it is being produced by Sujatha Vijayakumar. The makers of the film have already shared two posters for the film. A teaser was also launched, the movie based on the subject of farming and pollution. So, the director has actually offered a small message to the public.
Jayam Ravi was confirmed that his upcoming Tamil film Bhoomi will avoid theatres and release directly on the OTT platform Disney + Hotstar for the Pongal celebration 2021.
Jayam Ravi tweets one of the posts for this movie
#Bhoomi coming to your homes this Pongal 2021 only on @DisneyplusHSVIP 🙏🏼 God Bless! @immancomposer @dirlakshman @AgerwalNidhhi @AntonyLRuben @dudlyraj @Gdurairaj10 @theHMMofficial @sujataa_hmm @shiyamjack @SonyMusicSouth @onlynikil
— Jayam Ravi (@actor_jayamravi) December 24, 2020