Bimbisara is an upcoming Telugu action movie directed by Vashist. Nandamuri Kalyan Ram, Catherine Tresa, Samyuktha Menon, and Warina Hussain are playing in the lead roles. The Music composed by Chirantan Bhatt while the cinematography done by Chota K Naidu and it is edited by Tammiraju. The producer is Hari Krishna K under the banner of NTR Arts. The movie scheduled to release on 5th August 2022. Here get the details about Bimbisara movie news and updates.
Bimbisara Movie Trailer
On June 4th the trailer of Bimbisara movie released on Youtube from the NTR arts. Directed by Mallidi Vashist, the film stars Nandamuri Kalyan Ram in the lead role. The movie produced by Kalyan Ram’s NTR Arts and is scheduled to release on August 5.
The trailer shows the adventurous time travel of an evil king, Bimbisara, to the modern world. The story idea of the film itself is very exciting. Kalyan Ram gave perfect justification for the role of the king, Bimbisara. All the technical values look good, and the background score stands as the highlight among them. Also, the voice narration of the trailer is impressive. The makers of Bimbisara also announced the release date of the film along with the release of the trailer.
Movie Story
King Bimbisara, one of the early rulers of the Magadha dynasty, also laid the foundation of the Haryanka dynasty in the 5th century. This period action drama follows the story of this legendary ruler.
Emperor Bimbisara who seems to have ruled his lands with an iron fist. Bimbisara has all the tendencies of a megalomaniac as we hear him saying, I am the God and I’m the devil. But, the story is not just about a king who lived several hundred years ago. The movie also set in modern times. The king reincarnated as a suit-wearing rich man. Also, there is a deluded villain who nurtures the ambition of making the world bow at his feet.
And the conflict between two inflated egos plays out in true SS Rajamouli style. The reincarnation, the evil tantric, the muscular villain and the hero who wants to fight 100 people on any given afternoon – alas, Bimbisara, more or less, looks like a tackier version of Magadheera. Only, the makers of Bimbisara seem to have not held back on doubling down on the blood, gore and violence purely for the sake of guilt-free entertainment.
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