Actor Shahid Kapoor on Monday feasted fans to the first poster of Jersey, the Hindi remake of the Nani starrer of the same title. Sharing the poster, Shahid wrote, Its Time We have waited to share this emotion with you for 2 years. This story is special and this team is special. This character is special. And the particular that we get to share it on the big screen with you all are special. I don’t have words to express my appreciation. I hope you all feel what I sensed when I played him.
Cast & Crew:
The Hindi understanding star Shahid Kapoor in the lead position. The film has directed by Gowtam Tinnanuri, who also guided the original Telugu version, starring Nani. Jersey revolves around an expert yet failed cricketer who decides to revive his career to fulfill his son’s wish for a jersey as a gift. Shahid Kapoor has undergone intense and rigorous exercise to get into the skin of a cricketer for Jersey. Jersey is produced by Dil Raju, Suryadevara Naga Vamsi. Aman Gill under the banner Allu Entertainment, Dil Raju Production, Sithara Entertainments, and Brat Films.
Movie Trailer:
The movie trailer of actor Shahid Kapoor’s much-awaited movie Jersey has revealed on Tuesday, November 23. Shahid Kapoor will exist repeating Nani’s role from the original. Communicating the poster, the makers wrote Release the power of dreams for the ones you love! Here’s giving the Jersey Trailer.
The movie is based on the life of the protagonist, played by Shahid, who is a gifted cricketer who tries to get back to the game in his mid-30s. The movie trailer gets a wonderful response from the audience and it gets 62 million views.
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Release Date Details:
The actor also guaranteed that the movie will include a theatrical release. It has slated to hit the big screens on December 31. So all are watching and enjoying the movie in theatres.
Himesh tweets on Twitter about the Jersey film
And the DELAYS are BACK! #Jersey, slated to release on December 31, has been POSTPONED. The makers have decided to postpone the film due to the increasing Covid situation in the country. A new release date to be announced in due course of time!
— Himesh (@HimeshMankad) December 28, 2021