Vijay Devarakonda’s upcoming movie is titled Liger. The film is written by Puri Jagannadh and he is also the director of this movie. This film was releasing in Telugu and Hindi languages. The film has to produce by Karan Johar, Charmme Kaur, Hiroo Yash Johar, and Apoorva Mehta, under the banner of Dharma Productions. The film starring Vijay Devarakonda and Ananya Panday playing the lead roles and Ramya Krishnan, Ronit Roy, Ali, Getup Srinu, Abdul Qadir Amin plays supporting characters in the movie. This film’s music has directed by Tanishk Bagchi and composed by Mani Sharma.
First Look Poster:
The poster representing Vijay Deverakonda posing in a half-lion and half-tiger. The poster got 2million views on Instagram and got good feedback from the audience. Vijay Hair Style is very different and after seeing the poster Vijay fan’s expectations are very high about the movie.
Liger Movie Trailer:
The trailer representing the movie is related to boxing and a feel-good romantic film and Vijay’s acting is very superb in the trailer. The director Puri Jagannadh is going to present Vijay as a Rough and Arrogant in this Liger movie. In the trailer, Vijay is a gym fighter with super looking body and this trailer got a good response from the audience. It reaches more than 2million views on YouTube.
Also Read: Tuck Jagadish Full Movie Download
Release Date Info:
The film has scheduled delayed by the second wave of the pandemic situations in India. The film releasing date details announces recently. It is officially releasing on October 13th, 2021, and also Vijay fans are eagerly waiting for this movie. Vijay fans expect this movie to get hit like an Arjun Reddy movie on big screens.
Charmee Shares Her Opinion on Twitter About Liger Movie:
Auwsum surprise on sets of #LIGER ..
Was sooo good to catch up in goa 😍
JAI JAI BALAYYA 🤗💪🏻— Charmme Kaur (@Charmmeofficial) September 22, 2021