Maaran is a Tamil thriller movie, directed by Karthick Naren. Dhanush had recently restarted shooting for his film with Karthick Naren, referred to as the D43 movie. The movie team is shooting in Hyderabad recently Malavika Mohanan and Master Mahendran also joined the shooting of the movie.
Cast & Crew:
The cast of Maaran’s movie includes Dhanush, Malavika Mohanan. The producer of this movie by Sathya Jyothi Films, the film has Malavika Mohan playing the female lead role. Hero Dhanush and Malavika are both playing journalists in this film, which is said to be an emotional action thriller movie. The movie is promoted to be a thriller drama and GV Prakash Kumar is scoring the music, Lyricist Vivek and Karthik Naren are crafting the lyrics for this film.
Movie Plot:
Maaran marks the fresh collaboration of director Karthick Naren and actor Dhanush. On the occasion of actor Dhanush’s 38th birthday, the first look and title from his upcoming movie with director Karthick Naren has released on July 28. Maaran poster stars Dhanush smashing someone’s face into the glass in this movie. Dhanush has also dappled holding a pen in the other hand and using it as a weapon while striking an intense look in the poster of this movie.
Posting the movie poster, Karthick Naren, His courage is his weaponry. Presenting the first look of Maaran’s movie. Posting a behind-the-scenes photo, Karthick Naren had wished actor Dhanush in a respective tweet on Twitter. Thanking Dhanush, he noted that he had a new learning experience on the sets of Maaran with Dhanush every day in the sets.
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Trailer Info:
According to news reports, Dhanush might essay the role of an investigative journalist in the movie. The makers are yet to release further details about his role. The movie trailer has released on the Flix Pro Studio music label and it has revealed on Sep 12, 2021.
Release Date Details:
The movie shooting is pending because of the covid pandemics. After that, the moviemakers have to decide the Maaran movie is likely to hit the big screens next year. The movie has released on the occasion of Pongal on 14 Jan 2022.