Directed by actor-filmmaker Harshavardhan, the movie produced by Suniel Narang and Puskur Ram Mohan Rao under Sree Venkateswara Cinemas LLP. The film also stars Mirnalini Ravi and Eesha Rebba. The technical crew consists of PG Vinda’s as a cinematographer and Chaitan Bharadwaj scoring the music. Sudheer Babu will be seen in three roles in Mama Mascheendra. Here get the details about Mama Mascheendra Movie news and updates.
Mama Mascheendra Movie Teaser
The teaser of the film introduces the three characters of Sudheer Babu and their characterizations. While Durga is dying to have a girlfriend in life, DJ avoids girls for his own reasons. Then, Parasuram is a deadly old don who wants to kill these two.
Nitro Star Sudheer Babu is known for different genre entertainers and interesting roles. He is getting ready to entertain movie lovers with his upcoming film Mama Mascheendra. The makers today released the film’s teaser couple of minutes back. Super Star Mahesh Babu released the teaser and wished the makers all the best. Expectations are increasing as Sudheer Babu is playing three different roles in the film directed by harshwardhan.
The teaser is showed Sudheer Babu in the three different characters and their characterizations. Sudheer Babu as Durga craves to have a girlfriend in life, while Sudheer Babu as DJ stays away from girls for unknown reasons. Sudheer Babu as Parasuram, a dreaded aged don is out to kill the other two. The teaser is loaded with interesting, hilarious and also thrilling elements.
Movie News
Sudheer Babu showed variations in the three characters and surprises delivering dialogues in Telangana slang in the role of DJ. Mirnalini Ravi and Eesha Rebba looked glamorous and red hot in the film. Eesha Rebba is shown as a girl who wants to marry a man with a six-pack body. Also, Mrinalini Ravi, Harshavardhan, and Shakalaka Shankar are seen in the teaser.
Director Harshavardhan’s story is unique and interesting though the teaser didn’t reveal much. PG Vinda’s cinematography is beautiful while Chaitan Bharadwaj’s background score created the right feel. Chaitan Bharadwaj renders soundtracks.
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