Pizza 3 is a Tamil awfulness satire movie directed by Mohan Govind and produced by CV Kumar on Thirukumaran Entertainment. The film stars Ashwin Kakumanu, Pavithra Marimuthu, Gaurav Narayanan, Abhishek Shankar, Kali Venkat, Anupama Kumar, Raveena Daha, Quraishi, Yogi, and Subhiksha in the primary lead jobs. Debut chief Mohan Govind delivered Pizza 3 movie Special First Look on Friday. Traces created by CV Kumar leading the pack job of Ashwin Kakumanu. Kali Venkat, chief Gaurav Narayanan, Raveena Daha, and others are assuming key parts. Journal Fame Pavithra Marimuthu, played by Arulnithi, plays the courageous woman.
Movie Teaser
While the main look banner for the film has delivered in January, the creators have now delivered the Pizza 3 film mystery. The mystery gives a criminal look to the third film in the hit pizza series. The spine chiller, which is scheduled for discharge in March, has suspended Covid related limitations and is hoping to be delivered soon. Chief Gaurav Narayanan assumed the part of Inspector Prem Kumar, a cop. The secret reaches in excess of a 1.8million perspectives on Youtube.
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Release Date Details
Going for the film started in February this year. Stop all through the lockdown. We began again in September and obliterated the majority of the parts around Diwali. We desire to Release the film in venues in January 2022. By then we accept the public authority will permit 100% possession in cinemas.