Shaakuntalam is a mythological drama based on Kalidasa’s Abhijnana Shakuntalam. The story revolves around an epic love story of Shakuntala and King Dushyant. The movie stars Samantha, Dev Mohan, Allu Arha, Kabir Bedi, Prakash Raj, Sachin Khedekar, Jisshu Sengupta, Dr M Mohan Babu, Madhubala, Gautami, Aditi Balan and Ananya Nagalla in pivotal roles. The movie will also released in Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam and Kannada. The released the theatres on 14th April, 2023. Here get the details about Shaakuntalam full movie download.
Shaakuntalam Movie Trailer
The story of Shaakuntalam revolves around the epic love story of Shakuntala and King Dushyant from Mahabharata, portrayed by Samantha and Dev Mohan. The film is helmed by director Gunasekhar and marks a whimsical tale of love set in the Kashyapa Kanumalu (Kashmir), the grandeur and splendour of Dushyant’s Puru Dynasty making the film extraordinary.
Movie Story
Shaakuntalam is the story of Shakuntala (Samantha Ruth Prabhu), who has deprived of love since birth. Born as the daughter of Menaka and Vishwamitra, she’s abandoned by her mother and left in the forest. Where she spotted and raised by Kanva Maharishi (Sachin Khedekar). Cut to many years later, king Dushyanta meets Shakuntala in the forest, and it’s love at first sight. Smitten by the valour and charisma of Dushyanta, Shakuntala, too, deeply mesmerized by him and eventually falls in love with him.
Shaakuntalam Full Movie Download
Samantha’s Shaakuntalam movie is now entertaining in theatres. After Yashoda Samantha comes to theatres with Shaakuntalam a periodical drama movie. Nowadays movies are easily affected by piracy websites. But we recommend to the audience it is illegal don’t watch movies on illegal sites. Watch the Shaakuntalam movie in theaters only, with visual wonders.
Movie Review
The film begins to come into its own in the emotional scenes, beginning with Shakuntala bidding a tearful adieu to her adopted father Kanva maharshi, the deer and other animals, to take the long boat journey to the kingdom. Mani Sharma’s composition of ‘Mallika Mallika’ to show Shakuntala waiting for Dushyant through different seasons and ‘Yelelo yelelo’ with Prakash Raj as the boatman complement the mood of the narrative.
Director Gunashekhar must appreciated for attempting to make this film, but he seems to have been in a dilemma as to whether to make this film for adults or kids. The story narration is just not gripping enough to keep you engaged and, given its slow pace, it is a tedious watch. Given the title, one would have expected the story to be told in Shakuntala’s voice. Unfortunately, it narrated by others around her in bits and pieces.
Dushyant and Shakuntala may be all heart in the first half, but there is no soul to this romance. One doesn’t connect to the characters which have poorly written. There are other actors like Gautami, Madhoo and Prakash Raj, who make brief appearances and don’t add much to the story’s proceedings. The director has gone all out to make it heavy with grand sets and VFX and has missed out on a story that would go with it. One reminded of some telefilms and series that were made decades back.
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