Sonchiriya a Bollywood Movie which is scheduled to release on 1st March 2019. The movie is directed by Abhishek Chaubey and will feature Sushant Singh Rajput, Bhumi Pednekar, and Manoj Bajpayee in the lead roles. The movie contains action scenes and tells a story about the Bandits. The film gives a glimpse of the glorious years of dacoits in Central India. In this Post, we will Cover the Sonchiriya 4th Day Box Office Collection.
Sonchiriya 4th Day Box Office Collection
- Sushant Singh’s Sonchiriya 4th Day India Box Office Collection is 1.32 Cr
- Sonchiriya 4th Day Box Office Collection Worldwide is 1.58 Cr
Language | Collection (Cr) |
India | 01.32 |
Worldwide | 01.58 |
Sonchiriya 4th Day Box Office Collection Prediction
We see a lot of Scope for Sonchiriiya Box Office Collection. The only competition for the movie is Gully Boy Movie. Based on the Trailer, we are expecting the movie to gross more than 150 Cr, but all this depends on the first Day Review. Let us Check the Sonchiriiya 4th Day Box Office Collection Prediction.
Moreover, Sonchiriiya Movie contains many actors comparing to Luka Chuppi Movie. So, there are chances for Sonchiriiya to collect healthy box office collections.
Sonchiriya India 4th Day Box Office – Prediction
- Sonchiriya 4th Day expected to perform well at the Box Office.
- We are seeing Sushant Singh Rajput, Bhumi Pednekar, and Manoj Bajpayee on the big screen in Bollywood.
- On its 3rd Day, Sonchiriiya in India has grossed a total of 1.90 Cr.
- Sonchiriiya Total 3 Days Box Office Collection in India is around 5.50 Cr.
- 4th Day is a Monday, and the Box Office Collection on this day will have some less improvement. So on this Monday, Sonchiriya 4th Day Box Office Collection in India will collect Gross around 1.50 Cr
Sonchiriya 4th Day Box Office Prediction – Worldwide
- Sonchiriya movie 4th Day is expected to do decent in the worldwide Box Office collection.
- On its 3rd Day, Sonchiiriya total Worldwide Box Office Collection for the Third day is 2.28 Cr.
- Sonchiriiya Total 3 Days Box Office Collection in Worldwide is around 6.60 Cr.
- The Fourth Day is a Monday, Sonchiiriya 4th Day Box Office Collection Worldwide Will be around 1.80 Cr.
1.80 Cr on Day 4 with 940 Screens considered to be a decent performance. We might see a Some less on Sonchiiriya 5th Day Box Office Collection as it is a Weekday.
Language | Collection (Cr) |
India | 01.50 |
Worldwide | 01.80 |