Evvarikee Cheppoddu is a Telugu movie starring Rakesh Varre and Gargeyi Yellapragada in prominent roles. It is a drama directed by Basava Shanker. Rakesh Varre is a popular Actor, It is expected to make a decent film. We are here to check Evvarikee Cheppoddu Box Office Collection and will also see if Evvarikee Cheppoddu is Hit or Flop movie.
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Evvarikee Cheppoddu is about Hari and Harathi who fall in love and later they set their path away as their caste does not match. The movie goes on with confusion and love. The full story is yet to be revealed.
Evvarikee Cheppoddu Box Office Collection
Day wise Box Office Collection | Collection (Cr) |
1st Day Collection | TBA |
2nd Day Collection | TBA |
3rd Day Collection | TBA |
4th Day Collection | TBA |
5th Day Collection | TBA |
6th Day Collection | TBA |
7th Day Collection | TBA |
8th Day Collection | TBA |
9th Day Collection | TBA |
10th Day Collection | TBA |
Evvarikee Cheppoddu Total Collection | TBA |
Evvarikee Cheppoddu-Box Office Prediction
Reppa Kuda Veyaniva song from Evvarikee Cheppoddu has a decent response for that movie. The Trailer of Evvarikee Cheppoddu has got a wonderful response from the audience. We are expecting that Evvarikee Cheppoddu Movie could make around 2 Cr and if the review is negative it might not cross more than 1 Cr in the Box Office.
Duration | Positive Talk | Negative Talk |
1st Day | 10 Lacs | 05 Lacs |
2nd Day | 15 Lacs | 06 Lacs |
3rd Day | 20 Lacs | 10 Lacs |
Opening weekend | 50 Lacs | 25 Lacs |
Total Collections | 2.00 Cr | 1.00 Cr |
Evvarikee Cheppoddu Hit or Flop
There are romance and a lot of drama which is good for our Indian audience. On top of that Reppa Kuda Veyaniva song have received great feedback from the audience. Movie Budget is 1 Cr Estimated Evvarikee Cheppoddu has to cross 2 Cr to make a hit in Box Office.
Evvarikee Cheppoddu Trailer
Movie Story
Evvarikee Cheppoddu Movie starts with 1972 backdrop where Durga prasad character enters who swears by his caste. In present-day. The female lead Harathi is the daughter of Durga prasad. Hari hilarious entry with his friends. Hari and Harathi love together. After that Harathi’s father accepts their love.
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