Varmaa is an upcoming Tamil movie which is going to hit on the cinemas on 15th February 2019. Varmaa is directed by Bala and produced by Mukesh Mehta. The movie will feature new film stars Dhruv Vikram and Megha in the lead roles. Varma is a remake of Telugu movie Arjun Reddy.
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Varmaa News & Updates
- 7 Jul 2018- Remake of Arjun Reddy, Varma to feature Dhruv Vikram and Megha Choudhary
- 6 Jul 2018- New actor Megha doing her debut film Varmaa with Dhruv
- 4 Jul 2018- Director Bala get a heroine for his new film Varmaa’
- 24 Apr 2018- Director Bala resumes the shooting of Varmaa
- 9 Mar 2018- Arjun Reddy remake Varma completed first shooting in Nepal
Varmaa Box Office Collection Prediction
Varmaa is directed by Bala and will feature newcomers in the film. Vikram Dhruv and Megha will be performing in the lead roles. However, the storyline of the movie is good and there are action scenes in the movie. The movie contains romantic and action scenes which will amaze you. Nevertheless, this is the remake of Telugu film Arjun Reddy so there are chances for the movie to rake good amount of business on the Box Office Collection.
Duration | Positive Talk | Negative Talk |
1st day Varmaa Box Office Collection | 15 Cr | 10 Cr |
2nd Day Varmaa Box Office Collection | 10 Cr | 5 Cr |
3rd day Varmaa Box Office Collection | 8 Cr | 2 Cr |
Varma Opening weekend Collection | 30 Cr | 18 Cr |
Total Collection | 50 Cr | 20 Cr |
Varmaa Songs Mp3 Download
The movie Varmaa has some good songs with groovy music. Vaanodum Mannodum is the only song released and is sung by Vignesh and music is composed by Radhan. We will update you about the songs below as soon as it gets released.