Viruman is a family activity show featuring Karthi and Aditi Shankar playing the lead roles. The movie, coordinated by M. Muttiah is produced by Surya Jyothika’s 2D Entertainment banner. This is Aditi’s first movie and she performs as Thenmozhi and a striking and caring Madurai young lady. This rural play discusses the significance of Southern Tamil Nadu and its environs, particularly Theni, and family and connections.
Cast & Crew:
The movie is the second film to come in the Karthi, Muttiah mix after the Komban movie. Viruman movie stars Rajkiran, Prakash Raj, and Suri are additionally bearing crucial roles. Yuvan Shankar Raja composed the music and Anlarasu played out the tricks. Selvakumar SK held Cinematography, and Praveen KL took care of the Editing.
Poster Details:
Viruman moviemakers featuring Karthi have delivered the first look banner for the movie. This banner has lived shared by many stars including producers and Surya and Karti resembles local man designed and centered to battle the villains. As intriguing as the entertainer shows up in a country symbol, he is additionally good to go.
Also Read: Vikram Movie First Glimpse News and Updates
Release Date Details:
After watching the film’s first look banner. Karthi fans are anxiously exploring the film’s secret. Yet, the unknown isn’t delivered as of now. Whenever it has delivered authoritatively we exist refreshed here. The film group intends to deliver the film in May in the year 2022. In any declaration, the specific date has not announced. So follow our site regularly for additional updates.
Rajasekar tweets on Twitter about this movie
#7YearsOfKomban – Seven years back , the @Karthi_Offl starrer yielded a share of 18cr in TN (Gross 36+ crores) with less ticket price and screen count! It’s a huge blockbuster with a massive return on investment! Up next: #Viruman from June with director Muthaiah!
— Rajasekar (@sekartweets) April 1, 2022