One of the popular Malayalam actors Dulquer Salman upcoming new film titled Yuddham Tho Rasina Prema Katha. Dulquer Salman is now a known face in the Telugu Film industry also because he acts in a Mahanati movie in a negative role with Keerthy Suresh after this film Dulquer got a good response from the audience. This film has to be made in Tamil and Malayalam languages also and recently announcing the releasing details of the movie. The movie is ready to releases on November 11, 2021, so watch and enjoy this amazing movie.
Cast & Crew:
The film actors Dulquer Salmaan and Mrunal Thakur going to play lead roles in the movie. The film is to directing by Hanu Ragavapudi. While produces by Swapna Dutt and Priyanka Dutt under the banners of Swapna Cinema banner. The movie music has composed by Vishal Chandrasekhar and the cinematography and editing work is providing by Divakar Mani and Kotagiri Venkateswara Rao.
First Look Poster:
On the occasion of Dulquer Salman’s birthday, the director Hanu Ragavapudi releasing the first look poster of the Yuddham Tho Rasina Prema Katha movie. After seeing the poster Dulquer looking at an Army man carrying a gun on his shoulder. While male and female hands united in a handshake gives a romantic touch in the poster.
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Movie Plot:
Yuddham Tho Rasina Prema Katha movie is going to be a romantic love story. This film’s plot revolves around the life of a military man. He is out on a mission and is also set to get married while his challenges affecting his whole life and career. The audience eagerly waiting for the trailer of this movie but the trailer does not release at the moment. Once the trailer is officially released we are updating here so follow our website regularly.
Dulquer Salman Tweets on Twitter About Yuddham Tho Rasina Prema Katha Movie:
Thank you for the lovely surprise you guys. Here’s a poster of my next Telugu project with Hanu Raghavapudi.
It has been a great learning experience shooting for this one across India and can’t wait for you guys to watch it on screen. @SwapnaDuttCh @SwapnaCinema @hanurpudi
— dulquer salmaan (@dulQuer) July 28, 2021