Rama Banam is an action drama romantic movie directed by Sriwass. The movie casts Gopichand, Nassar, Dimple Hayathi, Jagapathi Babu, Sachin Khedekar in the main lead roles along with Vennela Kishore, Ali, Raja Ravindra, Sapthagiri, Satya Akkala, Get Up Sreenu and many others have seen in supporting roles. The music was composed by Mickey J. Meyer while the cinematography was done by Vetri Palanisamy and it is edited by Prawin Pudi. The film is produced by T.G. Vishwa Prasad, Vivek Kuchibhotla. under People Media Factory banner. The movie released on 5th May 2023. Here get the details about Ramabanam movie news and updates.
Ramabanam Movie Trailer
The theatrical trailer of Rama Banam is out now and it tells what the movie is all about. It tells the importance of human relationships and organic food. Jagapathi Babu and his family run an organic food business. But the corporate system is against it, as it badly affects their business. When they try to destroy the business, Jagapathi Babu’s brother Gopichand comes to his rescue. The fight between the good and bad forms the crux of the story. Although the movie has a good social message, Sriwass narrated it in an entertaining way. There is his mark of comedy in presence of several popular comedians. The initial portions show the Kolkata link to the story.
Gopichand is equally good in intense and comedy scenes. Seems like the character has different shades. Jagapathi Babu fits the bill perfectly as Gopichand’s brother, wherein Khushbu paired opposite him. Dimple Hayathi fills the glamor space. Vetri Palanisamy cranked the camera, while Mickey J Meyer provided the music. And both have done well. TG Vishwa Prasad of People Media Factory mounted the movie on a big canvas and the visuals look majestic.
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