Sakini Dakini is an upcoming Telugu thriller-based film. After the front line rout, chief Sudhir Verma launched a change project as his next film. He is changing the famous Korean action thriller Midnight Runners into Telugu. The film is right now in pre-production. Sakini and Dakini are the names of the strong fairies in Indian mythology. Their characters are normally used with an awareness of what’s really funny. Legitimizing the title, the champion pair plays police roles in Sakini Dakini.
Cast & Crew:
Sakini Dakini has a comedy thriller film directed by Sudhir Verma. The film stars Niveditha Thomas and Regina Cassandra in the main roles. Cinematography by Richard Prasad, edited by Viplav Nishadam, and music by Mikey Mc Cleary. The film needs to produce by Suresh Babu under the standard of Suresh Productions. Going for Sakini Dakini is completed and post-production is in progress. Richard Prasad cranked the camera.
Poster Details:
The film group released the first look poster of the movie on the event of entertainer Regina’s birthday. Subsequent to watching the poster Regina and Nivetha both show up in military finery and stand living punished by bosses. The poster looks extremely attractive.
Story Line:
The version of Sakini Dakini revolves around two understudies at a police institute who set out to track down a group of human dealers at 12 PM. The first Korean film, Midnight Runners, featured two male performers, however strangely, the Telugu redo, Sakini Dakini, has changed into a female-driven movie.
Release Date Details:
The producers have recently revealed the release details of the Sakini Dakini drama movie. However, we can expect the trailer and secret of this film in the duration of January 2022. The film has set to release on 13 Jun 2022. Let’s see what happened that day.
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