The latest Malayalam film Sathyam Mathrame Bodhipikkoo is a 2021 drama movie. While the movie is directed by Sagar Hari. The movie stars Dhyan Sreenivasan and Indrans in the lead roles. When you finish watching the first half of the movie Sathyam Mathrame Bodhippikku, you might get the feeling that the second half will have something interesting.
Cast & Crew:
The film has finished in 2020 during the pandemic in Ernakulam. Ambika, Sreejith Ravi, Sudheesh Kozhikode, Dr. Rony, Johny Antony, and Santosh Krishnan are among the cast partners. Dhanesh Raveendranath cranked the camera while Ajeesh Anand edited it. Wichu Balamurali is producing it.
Movie Plot:
James, an IPS police officer under probation, is assigned the charge of researching the murder case of a famous criminal lawyer in the city. This is the preferably high-profile case he took, and he is keen on translating it to prove his caliber.
Luckily for James, he worked to find the viewers of the happening. But just when James thought the case has about to get cracked. He gets to know that he was existing cheated. How James attacks this situation which could easily ruin his career. It is what we visit in Sathyam Mathrame Bodhippikku.
Release Date Details:
The film shooting has does not completed some post-production has pending. Recently Sathyam Mathrame Bodhippikku moviemakers shares the film has ready to release on 14 January 2022 in theatres.
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