Kaadan is an approaching Tamil drama film. Kaadan is directed by Prabhu Solomon. The movie casting Rana Daggubati, Vishnu Vishal, Pulkit Samrat as lead stars while Shriya Pilgaonkar and Zoya Hussain in the female lead. The film was released in Tamil, Telugu as Aranya, and in Hindi as Haathi Mere Saathi, each market’s different cast members. Kaadan is scheduled to be launched on 15 January 2021 Pongal festival, this film was postponed from its preliminary release of 2 April 2020 due to the COVID-19.
Kaadan Movie Teaser
The motion picture teaser launched on 10months back. The audience reaction was not good for the teaser. This is an animal fan motion picture.
Kaadan Movie News
Rana Daggubati and Vishnu Visha’s much-anticipated movie, Kaadan, is all set to strike the screens on Pongal 2021. Kaadan movie remained in the making for virtually 2 years. The film, directed by Prabhu Solomon, was supposed to launch on April 2. Nevertheless, due to the break of the coronavirus, things got delayed.
Now, the makers of the motion picture revealed that the film will be a theatrical release and it will be out on Pongal 2021. Vishnu Vishal, among the lead actors of the motion picture.
Kaadan has remained in the producing for over 2 years now and is last but not least seeing the light of the day on Pongal 2021 in Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi. Apart from Rana Daggubati and Vishnu Vishal, the motion picture also consists of Pulkit Samrat, Shriya Pilgoankar, and Raghu Babu in necessary features.
Vishnu Vishal Kaadan Movie Experience
Vishnu Vishal’s earlier interviews with Kaadan is a complete knowing experience. I needed to act in both Tamil and Telugu versions of the motion picture. In fact, it’s my really first movie in Telugu, and speaking the language was tough. I am excitedly waiting on its release. I make certain individuals can connect to this motion picture, as it’s topical. It talks about the outcomes of logging, wildlife, and the environmentally friendly balance that they bring into the world.