Kalathil Santhippom is an upcoming Tamil Language movie based on the sports drama film. N. Rajasekar has actually played the function of both writer and director. The film Kalathil Santhippom movie is produced by RB Choudhary. This intriguing Tamil movie was made under the banner name of the Super good film. The motion picture is a sports drama. The plot likewise focuses on 2 pals. The story does not miss out on the opportunity to show some action in between the story. Director has actually put extra effort into the calming and peppy songs of the music.
The story was an ensemble with leading Tamil heroes and heroines with some crucial supporting stars which add additional worth to the motion picture. Stunning Priya Bhavani Shankar and Manjima Mohan have actually perfectly elaborated the character in the movie. The producer R.B Choudary has focused on cinematography and editing so that the motion picture does not become prolonged. The R.B Choudhary has designated Yuvan Shankar Raja for the cinematography and Dinesh Ponraj and Abhinandhan Ramanujan as the editor.
Kalathil Santhippom Details :
Kalathil Santhippom movie based on the sports kabaddi. The background was made of the backwoods. The sport-based film had a combined reaction from the cine-goers. The lovely song is positioned where it is needed. The comic timing of the actors and the entire film is complimenting mesmerizingly. The motion picture is ensembled with several actors, and Arul Nithi is the leading actor, and Priya Bhavani Shankar is cast versus the leads. The film has actually boosted stunning friendship. The motion picture was first entitled to launch in January. The movie’s discussions will make you laugh and cry, and at a time, it will provide you goosebumps.
Kalathil Santhippom: Is it worth viewing?
The story progressed around 2 pals Ashok and Anand, who turned from buddies to competitors on the Kabaddi court. However, out of the kabaddi court, they are friends. Both the pals check out different obstacles in terms of the family, in romantic relationships. The story is about how they conquer the obstacles together.
Kalathil Santhippom Full Movie Download
This Tamil language film will remain in theatres on February 5, 2021. If you wish to avoid going to the theatres due to COVID-19, The movie can be downloaded with FilmyZilla. This site has a history of dripping the film as soon as it’s launched. On the website of FilmyZilla, you can get the motion picture in various video qualities ready to be downloaded or streamed online.
Also, Read: Annaatthe Full Movie Download
Kalathil Santhippom Movie Cast:
- Jiiva
- Arulnithi
- Manjima Mohan
- Priya Bhavani Shankar
- Radha Ravi
- Robo Saravanan
- Ilavarasu
Kalathil Santhippom Release Date:
Earlier, the director had prepared to release it on January 28. However due to some problems, the film was launched on February,5,2021 on the OTT platform.