Shesh Theke Shuru is Upcoming Bengali movie. Directed by Raj Chakraborty and starring Jeet, Koel Mallick and Ritabhari Chakraborty in the lead role. Shesh Theke Shuru is the upcoming movie of Jeet with his own production house with all the reports and updates, We are here to check Shesh Theke Shuru Box Office Collection and will also see if Shesh Theke Shuru is Hit or Flop movie.
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Shesh Theke Shuru is a movie about a Guy who stays in London and meets a Girl falls in love with her and she gets pregnant to which he is unable to meet her after that he comes back to his home town and get married to another girl.
Shesh Theke Shuru Box Office Collection
Day wise Box Office Collection | Collection (Cr) |
1st Day Collection | TBA |
2nd Day Collection | TBA |
3rd Day Collection | TBA |
4th Day Collection | TBA |
5th Day Collection | TBA |
6th Day Collection | TBA |
7th Day Collection | TBA |
8th Day Collection | TBA |
9th Day Collection | TBA |
10th Day Collection | TBA |
Shesh Theke Shuru Total Collection | TBA |
Shesh Theke Shuru Box Office Collection Prediction
The trailer has received an excellent response with 1 Million views. There is Jeet and Koel Mallick a long gap both are against each other. We are expecting that Shesh Theke Shuru could make around 5 Cr and if the review is negative it might not cross more than 3 Cr in the Bengali Movie Box Office.
Duration | Positive Talk | Negative Talk |
1st Day | 50 Lacs | 30 Lacs |
2nd Day | 60 Lacs | 30 Lacs |
3rd Day | 70 Lacs | 40 Lacs |
Opening weekend | 2 Cr | 1 Cr |
Total Collections | 5 Cr | 3 Cr |
Shesh Theke Shuru Hit or Flop
There is actions as well as romance, by Jeet and Koel Mallick. On top of that their Chemistry works well which has is been received great feedback. So overall, there is a healthy and positive vibe around the film. The movie Budget is 2 Cr Estimated Shesh Theke Shuru has to cross around 4 Cr to make a hit in Box Office.