Zwigato is a Bollywood drama movie, Nandita Das is written and directed the movie along with Samir Patil. The producers are Sameer Nair, Deepak Segal, and Nandita Das under the banners of Applause Entertainment and Nandita Das Initiatives. Kapil Sharma and Shahana Goswami played lead roles. Sagar Desai and Hitesh Sonik composed the music for this movie. Ranjan Palit worked as a cinematographer. Zwigato movie released on 17th March 2022. Here get the details about Zwigato full movie download.
Zwigato Movie Trailer
In the trailer, we get to see the plight of a food-delivery rider, played by Kapil, who works hard to make ends meet. Scenes like the one where Kapil’s son asks, “Papa, ye fal hai ya sabzi (Is this a fruit or a vegetable?) and he responds, “Humein kya pata, hum kabhi khaayein hain kya? (How would I know, I have never eaten it)” leaves you with a thought. In another scene, we are told, no matter how many boxes a delivery executive delivers, their salary remains the same.
His wife, played by Shahana Goswami, who is a homemaker, first complains about him spending lesser time with the family but later decides to support him by taking up a job. But, blinded by his patriarchal mindset, the man can’t fathom the fact that his wife will go out of the house to earn money.
Movie Story
Zwigato follows the life of Manas (Kapil Sharma), an ex-factory floor manager who had to sit at home jobless for eight-months because of pandemic-induced unemployment. Being the only breadwinner in the family of five — his wife Pratime (Shahana Goswami), children Kartik (Prajwal Sahoo) and Purbi (Yuvika Brahma) and a bed-ridden ailing mother, Maai (Shantilata Padhy), Manas ends up signing up as a partner with a food delivery app called Zwigato – a cheeky blend of popular food delivery apps Zomato and Swiggy). He then manoeuvres his way to understand the tricks of the trade, trying to crack the complicated rating system, hoping to achieve daily delivery target, encountering difficult customers and sometimes, requesting for a selfie with them to earn that extra incentive.
Zwigato Full Movie Download
Kapil Sharma’s Zwigato movie is now entertaining in theatres. Zwigato is a heart-touching and messaging drama-oriented movie. Watch Zwigato full movie on legal streaming platforms.
Movie Review
Zwigato follows the same format as of other Art Films that falls under the category of contemporary cinema. Exploring the positive side, the movie is a success in dwelling audiences onto the seat of rider and explore their world. Kapil Sharma lies somewhere between being a complete miscast and nailing the character out of the park. His real-life backstory helps to connect with the innocence of Manas, but his ‘comedy master’ tag also proves to be a hindrance at times. More than the natural acting, at places, it feels like he’s pretending to act.
The performance is best on every node you can expect from the cast members be it the lead pair or the child actors who share brief screen space. Kapil Sharma as a middle class frustrated rider has given an applaudable performance, which is totally contrast from the actor’s actual persona of a comedian. The emotions well shown by him, and feels affectionate to viewers.
Beauty of this movie lies with its cinematography. The way frames picturized are raw in nature and showcases it in most authentic way as well as shown as realistic as it could be. Music in the background is a melody which used scarcely throughout the feature, which in my opinion should have played more significantly. Director Nandita Das picks the most relatable subject and weaves a compelling story around it that you can’t help but feel empathetic towards this section of the society, and understand that they are helpless that’s why they are laborers, and not the other way round.
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