Actor and director Srinivas Avasarala is back with his directorial project Phalana Abbayi Phalana Ammayi. The romantic drama is his third outing with Naga Shaurya after the hugely successful Oohalu Gusagusalade and Jyo Atchutananda. Along with Naga Shaurya, Malvika Nair, and Srinivas Avasarala, the cast of the film includes Megha Chowdhury, Ashok Kumar, Abhishek Maharshi, Sri Vidya and others. The film’s music was composed by Kalyani Malik. Vivek Sagar composed one song (Kafeefi) for the film and Sunil Kumar Nama worked as the DOP. The film is giving off pretty fresh feels and Avasarala, who is known for his mature dramas has claimed that this film will definitely appeal to the family audience as well as youngsters. Here get the details about Phalana Abbai Phalana Ammai Full Movie Download.
Phalana Abbayi phalana Ammayi Movie Trailer
Set in the year 2000, Sanjay ( Naga Shaurya) and Anupama ( Malavika Nair) are college mates in Vizag. Anu who is a one-year senior protects Sanjay from ragging and both become good friends. In 2004, they go to London to pursue Masters and start a live-in relationship. Sanjay does not show up at the hospital when Anu needs moral support. Disappointed Anu breaks up with Sanjay. The rest of the story is about his absence and how the couple’s relationship goes on further.
Movie Story
Anupama is a senior in Sanjay`s B.Tech. Anupama saves Sanjay from raging seniors. Their advent began out like that.. as fine pals after which withinside the history of dramatic developments.. they turn out to be lovers. After that, he is going to London for MS and is in a dwelling relationship. However, because of a few incidents on this sequence, the space among the 2 grows. At the equal time, Pooja and Sanjay begin a friendship. This will increase the space among Sanjay and Anupama. And after that, how did the lives of each of them turn? What occurred among those once they met after a protracted gap? What is the function of Giri (Srinivas Vasarala) withinside the middle?, Sanjay (Nagashaurya) – Anupama (Malavika Nair) in the end met? Or ?, How did you meet? That is the relaxation of the story.
Phalana Abbayi Phalana Ammayi Full Movie Download
Phalana Abbayi Phalana Ammayi is now enjoyable in theatres. Go and ee-e book your tickets to observe this film together along with your cherished ones. After a long term, Naga Showrya comes to this film to entertain the target market. Definitely, the film doesn’t disappoint the target market. We endorse the target market watch Phalana Abbayi Phalana Ammai film in theatres only. You May have a higher revel in than unlawful sites.
Movie Review
Director Srinivas Avasarala is thought for practical films. However, withinside the contemporary film, he struggles to maintain up his reputation. Phalana Abbayi Phalana Ammayi is an approximately 10 years adventure of university pals and the emotional trip they had. Sanjay and Anupama are accurate pals flip fans who lived collectively in a rental withinside the UK. Originally, they’re from Visakhapatnam and Anu becomes 365 days extra senior to Sanjay. The premise of the film, and the lawsuits are much less dramatic.
The director attempted to make it a sensible film, however in that manner misplaced the narrative speed. Srinivas`s power in diffused humor fails this time. None of the scenes generates humor. The battle factor is a superb one, the hero has a compelling motive to keep away from going to the health center with Anu. However, the factor isn’t been conveyed effectively. The second half of has more than one emotional moment however too overdue and too little to affect the viewer.
Naga Shaurya and Malvika Nair appear super collectively on display and their chemistry is commendable. The duo healthy into their roles flawlessly and accomplished them with super ease showcasing the 10yr dating transformation. However, aside from the lead cast, not one of the characters are convincing and is poorly written which breaks the movie`s flow. Malavika Nair particularly is the spotlight of this romantic drama and is super in emotional scenes and has given her career-fine performance.
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