Sagar Chandra directed the film, Bheemla Nayak. Star director Trivikram became the screenwriter and dialogue writer for the film. The film stars RanDaggupati and Pawan Kalyan are in the lead roles. Suryadevara Nagavanshi produced this film through the banner of Sithara Entertainments. Other supporting roles include Nithya Menon, Samyukta Menon, Rao Ramesh, Murali Sharma, Samudrakhani, and others. Taman provided wonderful music for this blockbuster film. Prasad Moorella provides the cinematography while Naveen Nooli acts as the editor
Trailer Details:
The trailer of the much-awaited movie Bheemla Nayak, starring Pawan Kalyan and Rana Daggubati in the lead roles, was released on February 22nd, just four days ahead of its theatrical release.
Going by the trailer, Bheemla Nayak seems to be a film that is high on drama. The ego clash between Pawan’s Bhimla Nayak and Rana’s Daniel Shekhar will definitely keep fans on the edge of their seats. Also, the trailer represents Pawan Kalyan going to rock the film.
Movie Story:
The movie starts with the arrest of politician Daniel Shekhar performs as Rana Daggubati. He was throwing all sorts of jokes at the police station and it was not good for SI Bhimla Nayak was Pawan Kalyan. This small case has attained a serious level and a huge draw of war will burst between Daniel Shankar and Bheemla Nayak. What happened next is the movie plot of who wins in the massive clash of ego.
Bheemla Nayak Full Movie Download Leaked By Movierulz:
Bheenla Nayak’s movie was grandly released on February 25th in theatres. Bheemla Nayak full movie download 480p, 720p leaked on Movirulz, ibomma, Filmyzilla, Tamilrockers. Bheemla Nayak Telugu movie download link has also been dubbed in Hindi on Filmizilla, Tamilrockers & ibomma. The film gets a huge response from the viewers. Don’t encourage these types of sites to watch and download movies. You simply select to watch the movies in theaters and on OTT platforms.
Movie Review:
The film came with huge expectations, powerful emotions, excellent action scenes, and a huge cast, mostly Pawan Kalyan’s execution. Pawan in the form of Bhimla Nayak gave a memorable action visual treat to the eagerly awaited Pawan fans for this movie. Pawan showed his mettle in the film with his mature acting. He was the highlight of the film with his mark action and acting in some particularly complex action scenes. Also, Rana who played the lead role also acted very well. Rana impressed Pawan with his performance as an opponent to Pawan. Sanyukta Menon and Nithya Menon stars in the emotional scenes.
Trivikram displays a good difference between one character and another. As well as the screen reality of the other stars, their emotional emotions, acting, and dialogues remain plus points in the movie. Also, their character elevations are good for the rest of the cast Getups. All in all, Bheemla Nayak is a serious action drama starring Pawan Kalyan and Rana. Confrontation scenes, Mass elements, and solid songs are nicely placed in the setup. With the exception of a slightly dull pace in the first half, the film has enough elements to click at the box office and bring back the glory that Big Screen Entertainment lost.
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