Nenu Meeku Baga Kavalsinavadini is a Telugu family-drama movie directed by Kaarthik Shankar. A new director Karthik Sankar is making a debut in the Tollywood industry with Nenu Meeku Baga Kavalsinavadini movie. The producer is Kodi Divya Deepthi under the banner of Kodi Divyaa Entertainments. Kiran Abbavaram and Sanjana Anand are playing in the lead roles. Mani Sharma is composing the music for the movie while Cinematography done by Raj K Nalli and Edited by Prawin Pudi. Here get the details about Nenu Meeku Baaga Kavalsinavaadini movie news nad updates.
Nenu Meeku Baaga Kavalsinavaadini Movie Teaser
This teaser was specially screened at Maruti Talkies in Sonthuru Palakollu by Kodi Ramakrishna. Along with the hero and heroines, the entire film unit participated in this program. Lays tiṇṭunnava anna.. Ledu kurconi tiṇṭunna tammuḍu.. Average ga unna ammaila viluva.. Naalanti karuvulo unna vaḷlaku telustundi kani.. Nilanti kaḍupu niṇḍina vaḷlaku eṁ telustundi māma. Hirolantra.. Geṭlu veyaṇḍi show veddam.. spoke these dialogues with mak entertain the audience
Poster News
Young hero Kiran Abbavaram is gearing up with back-to-back films. In Nenu Meeku Baga Kavalsinavadini’s first look poster Kiran is wearing a shirt over a shirt with cooling glass totally it seemed like this time he is coming up with a mass entertainer. Another highlight of the movie is senior director SV Krishna Reddy is also playing a key role in this movie.
Movie News
The teaser date of this movie recently announced by the film crew. The makers have released a poster saying that the teaser of the movie released on July 10 at 11.05 minutes. In this poster, Kiran seen in a stylish look. Sanjana Anand is playing the lead role opposite Kiran in this film which is coming up as a family entertainer.
Actually, we should have launched Kiran Abbavaram and I was listening to stories back then. But, due to dad’s ailing health, we asked Kiran to proceed with Raja Vaaru Raani Gaaru. We have spent a good amount of money on this film which seen once it comes out. Every day was a new learning experience during this film’s shoot.
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