Prema Kadanta is the next highly-anticipated romantic drama starring Allu Sirish and Anu Emmanuel in a lead role. Rakesh Shashi, who is known for his winning and race meet films, wrote and directed the film and it was produced by Vijay M on the Geeta Arts banner. Anoop Rubens and Achchu Rajamani jointly composed the background music and soundtrack for the film. Tanveer Mir provides the camera for the film.
Cast and Crew:
This is Allu Sirish’s sixth film. He is ready to entertain this romantic movie. Allu Sirish has undergone a huge physical transformation for this film. The cast and crew were busy shooting for the film, which started shooting a few months ago. Dubbing for the film has recently begun. It was shared on Twitter that the shooting was almost over and the final schedule was left.
First Look Poster:
Allu Sirish has released the first look poster of the movie Prema Kadanta on the occasion of his birthday. There are two look posters in this post. In the first one, Shirish is seen kissing Anu while Anu is taking a mirror selfie. He played in casual tea when the lead actress looked chic while wearing a silver sweater. When it comes to the second poster, the two main actors seem to share a cozy moment and it also bathes. He looked classy wearing a white shirt and Anu did sport in a simple maroon dress.
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Movie Plot:
Allu and Anu Emmanuel are paired in the film titled Prema Kadanta. Their magical on-screen chemistry appears in the title posters. As a romantic take on the modern-day love story, the film takes you on a rollercoaster ride with ups and downs, hardships, and happy moments.
Release Date Details:
The filmmakers plan to release the movie in theatres on November 17th, 2021. After this announcement, Allu fans are very happy and expectations about the movie are very high.
Allu Sirish Tweets on Twitter About Movie First Look Poster:
Excited and happy to share the 2 first looks of “Prema Kadanta”. #PremaKadanta @anuemmanuel @ga2pictures @rakeshsashii
— Allu Sirish (@AlluSirish) May 30, 2021